Mozaik Insan Kaynaklari Gelisterme Dernegi
Mozaik is a non-profit that was established in 2010 in Samsun located in northern part of Turkey. The main objective of the its establishment is to support cultural, professional and social integration of disadvantaged groups consisting of migrants and refugees, women and people with disabilities. The target group that is involved in our activities (local, regional and international initiatives/projects) consist of the ones who have no model to be able to recognize vocational and educational opportunities and need orientation to be successful in the educational and professional life eliminating barriers in different fields that prevent their integration into the society.
Asociación Caminos – Discover new possibilities
Innovative methods in education and social work.
The activities of the non-profit association Caminos, founded in 2014, are dedicated to the field of education. Main objectives include fostering exchange and communication, improving individual opportunities for development and supporting the social inclusion of targets at risk.
Caminos should indicate the importance of finding new paths to reach our goals, to discover individual resources and opportunities to overcome the actual challenges together.
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Mersin Valiligi
Mersin Governorship is a local public state institution in charge with the planning and coordination of all kinds of educational, sanitarian, scientific, academic, commercial and legal issues in Mersin Province. The responsibilities of the institution are administrative and personnel services, education – in-service training services, budget – investment services ,research – planning – statistics services ,inspection – guidance – investigation services and civil defence services. Mersin Governorship, which has dozens of different units and is responsible for organizing and supervising the general administration and general course of the province in all aspects, conducts local, national and international project works and processes through the European Union and Foreign Relations Office.
Universitaet Innsbruck
University of Innsbruck, Institute for Educational Science/ Department of Migration and Education
In teaching and research we focus on social change from the perspective and experience of migration. We understand migration as a society-building force which also reveals ambiguities and marginalised memories that are not located on the fringes of society, but express central social conditions. This change of perspective also includes the examination of social power relations and a critical-reflexive view of one’s own subject: the role of educational institutions and practices in the (re)production of inequality.
BUPNET Bildung und Projekt Netzwerk Gmbh
BUPNET Bildung und Projekt Netzwerk Gmbh (Germany) is an adult education provider. BUPNET’s mission is the promotion of innovation in education and training. We successfully completed numerous training courses in various sectors (social and healthcare, new media, sustainable development, tourism, economy, e-commerce, intercultural issues etc.) both in the framework of European and national funded projects. BUPNET works both in the vocational training and in the (informal) adult learning sector.
Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci”
The Centre for Creative Development “Danilo Dolci” is a non-profit association involving young people and adults, which mainly acts through projects in the educational field carried out in cooperation with schools, universities, institutions, associations and social groups both at local and international level. Our organisation born from the educational and working experience of the great pacifist Danilo Dolci and his collaborators that operated in Trappeto and Partinico, two small towns near Palermo, and in all the region of Sicily.