Within the scope of the Inno4impact project, multiplier events were organized by each partner organization

Mar 30, 2022 | News

The multiplier events were organized in each partner country in order to promote the projects outputs, create connections and ensure exploitation of the project beyond the funded period.

This event aims to provide the opportunity for to experience the methodology designed in the project in a workshop and aims to serve to promote IO1 (Comparative research and assessment of current needs, study report on youth work), IO2 (Designing training modules in youth work and piloting), IO3 (Training videos for blended learning implementation), IO4 (Designing a distance education program and LEVEL5 program in the field on youth workers) and IO5 (Guidelines for Inclusion of the Methodology in settings for Youth Workers) to the target groups directly involved in the daily work with youngsters:

We invite you to visit our 5th newsletter to at the activities of partner organizations as part of the “Multiplier Event” activity of the Inno4impact project.

The newsletter is available in English, Italian, German, Spanish and Turkish languages in following links;